Vizzavona to Capanelle

Vizzavona to Capanelle

Capanelle to Vizzavona

Vizzavona capanelle

Comment on stage (north to south)

From Vizzavona you make your way up to Bocca Palmente, the trail is well graded and zig zags  upwards through the woods, it is easy underfoot. Once across this high col the trail drops down before leveling out and staying on an easy undulating path for some time. You will pass two well kept shepherds’ cabins, Alzeta and Scarpaceghje, a last pull up through the Sambucco woods will bring you out just above the ski station.

Spring : No sure water


Highest point : 1640m Bocca Palmente


Point of interest : Bocca Palmente


Night stop : Capanelle.

Carte vizzavona capanelle